AD import computers rule: Removing OU from import and adding it back later only adds 30% of computers in corresponding organizational group
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AD import computers rule: Removing OU from import and adding it back later only adds 30% of computers in corresponding organizational group


Article ID: 163193


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


AD import rule may add only some computers to a designated organizational group.

Problematic scenario: OU is excluded from the AD import Computer rule. The computers were removed correctly. Add OU back into the selection and only some part of the computers appear in



The problem is caused when OU is excluded from import. While computers are removed from the group accordingly, ResourceUpdateSummary table is not properly updated, causing problems with future imports.
The issue originated
by "spResourceUpdateSummaryFullUpdateBulk" stored procedure with a faulty logic, which leads to the (totally invisible) corruption of ResourceUpdateSummary table integrity.


This issue has been resolved in 8.0 HF2.

You can also use the attached stored procedures and manually add/update the stored procedures with the fix:

  1. Run the attached "spResourceUpdateSummaryFullUpdateBulk_ET3942705.sql" first
  2. Run then the attached "spResourceUpdateSummaryPartialUpdateBulk_ET3942705.sql"
  3. Run the AD Import rules a couple of times and the proper hashes under ResourceUpdateSummary should be regenerated.
    Note: If that is not the case after some imports, please try KB 162662 "If machines are manually moved to a different OU in Active Directory, the change is not reflected in the ITMS Console after an AD Import" and then try the AD Import again.

Very rarely the steps above still don't resolve the problem and it is necessary to manually edit the database and delete the affected records from resourceupdatesummary table for both the Inv_OU_Membership and Inv_Global_Active_Directory_Details.


spResourceUpdateSummaryPartialUpdateBulk_ET3942705.sql get_app
spResourceUpdateSummaryFullUpdateBulk_ET3942705.sql get_app get_app